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Write Landmark File

Landmark uses two dump files, the $$C for coordinates and $$L for Lots

Output File
Enter the name of the Landmark output files. These files generally have a .$$C and .$$L extensions. The program will write out all the points and strings from the current job.

Select Points/Layers
You can select the layers to be written, the range of point numbers, the sheet number or a centroid point and a radius. Any of these methods can be used in combination to select a ‘set’ of points to be written to the output file.

Layer Code Translation
This field displays the number of points and Layers currently selected for output

$$L File Format
At the start of the file job limits are given in the $MINMAX record, followed by a summary of the layers with a $SUM record for each layer in the job.

The MINMAX and $SUM records are not essential as LANDMARK can create them after the transfer file has been read in

Each lot or string has a header(LOTS) as follows:
LOTSLot Number, Lot type, Centroid X, Centroid Y, Area
This is followed by a Layer definition($LAY) as follows:
$LAYLayer name ;layer setting switches

The layer switch settings are:
No Use Meaning
1=Lot ON
2 DIST: 0=OFF - Not Plotted
1 to 9 Pen Number for Distance
3 BEARING: 0=OFF - Not Plotted
1=Bearing Spread
2=Bearing short
4 ARC 0=OFF - Not plotted
1=Chord Table
2=Arc only
3=Arc,chord distance and bearing
4=distance with brackets around it
5 LOT 0=OFF - Lot Number is not plotted
1 to 9 Pen number for Lot Number
6 AREA 0=OFF - Lot Area is not plotted
1 to 9 Pen number for Lot Area
7 POINTS 0=OFF - Point Numbers are not plotted
1 to 9 Pen number for Point Numbers
1 to 6 coded radius fir circles at pegs
1=0.4mm, 2=0.6mm..... 6=1.6mm
1=Plot double circle at peg
10-11 LINE 0=No Lot lines plotted
1 to n Pen number for lines
12-13 LINE TYPE 0=No lines plotted
1 to nLine type for lines
14 RAD 0=OFF no lines drawn
1=Line only drawn
2=Line and bearing
Note: For plotting, the centre point POINT ENTITY RAD must be ON
15 CHAIN 0=Off no chainage plotted
1= chainages at intervals
2- TP chainages
16 COORD 0=OFF None
1=All points X,Y,Z,CODE to Coordinate Table
2=First point of lot to coordinate table
3=All points X,Y,Z to coordinate table
17 BREAK 0=OFF No adjustments to contours
1=Adjustments to contours
2=DELTRI can be used to trim job
18 CURVES 0=Curves defined by Centre of circle
1=Curves defined by Points on the curve
19 to 28 are not used and should be set to 0

The $LAY record is followed by a point record for each point.
Each point record is as follows:
Columns 1 to 7 Point Number
8 C for centre point
19 to 33X coordinate
34 to 48Y coordinate
49 to 62Z coordinate
If there is no Z coordinate, this is set to -9999.0000
A typical file output by LANDMARK looks like this:
$MINMAX   -11031.02,    -1472.21,     3356.71,     8527.79
$SUM 0           ;100000000                    1
$SUM PREC1-01    ;111111111                    2
$SUM TRAVERSE    ;111111111                    3
$SUM Calc        ;111111111                    4
$SUM 01          ;111111111                    5
$SUM CENTRE      ;111111000                    6
$SUM PREC1-00    ;311111111                    7
$SUM 05          ;111111111                   11
$SUM 12-13LOT    ;100000000010100000000000000 13
$SUM DEPOT       ;100000000060100000000000000 14
$SUM DP446447    ;100000000010200000000000000 15
$SUM DP833568    ;100000000010100000000000000 16
$SUM P4LOTS      ;100000000040100000000000000 17
$SUM P6LOTS      ;100000000060100000000000000 20

LOTS      1, 4,    1,        .000,      12.000
$LAY 05          ;000000000010100000000000000
   5017  YYYYYYYYY     2863.98606     3649.35985    -9999.0000
   5252  YYYYYYYYY     2859.32369     3683.13625    -9999.0000
   5249  YYYYYYYYY     2857.40946     3696.59888    -9999.0000
LOTS   6003, 1,    2096.770,    2809.361,     489.962
$LAY P6LOTS      ;100000000060100000000000000
   3057  YYYYYYYYY     2091.74007     2791.22671    -9999.0000
   2982  YYYYYYYYY     2087.56983     2824.95437    -9999.0000
   2983  YYYYYYYYY     2101.86859     2827.36173    -9999.0000
   3040  YYYYYYYYY     2105.98856     2793.91691    -9999.0000
   3057  YYYYYYYYY     2091.74007     2791.22671    -9999.0000
LOTS   1580, 1,    1555.761,    3855.074,     452.443
$LAY P10LOTS     ;000000000010100000000000000
   2769  YYYYYYYYY     1556.62038     3837.06944    -9999.0000
    677C YYYYYYYYY     1528.20358     3767.66134    -9999.0000
   2766  YYYYYYYYY     1545.19944     3840.71023    -9999.0000
   2760  YYYYYYYYY     1552.56432     3872.36475    -9999.0000
   2770  YYYYYYYYY     1567.87884     3867.39730    -9999.0000
   2769  YYYYYYYYY     1556.62038     3837.06944    -9999.0000
$$C File Format
Each coordinate is in a comma delimited file as follows:
$XYZ, Point Number, East, North, Height, Name, Code, Layer
SXYZ,    1,   2896.1658,   4071.6984,  -9999.0000,SURVEY      , ,PREC1-01
SXYZ,    2,   2793.2430,   3765.1200,  -9999.0000,LIV-TS      , ,TRAVERSE
SXYZ,    3,   2457.1738,   2521.2896,     45.2160,91218       , ,TRAVERSE
SXYZ,    4,   1438.7010,   4662.5770,  -9999.0000,5B-FENO     , ,TRAVERSE
SXYZ,    5,   2767.8624,   3940.8604,  -9999.0000,SURVEY      , ,PREC1-01
SXYZ,    6,   2785.9680,   3935.0997,  -9999.0000,SURVEY      , ,PREC1-01
SXYZ,   23,   2443.1934,   4065.3432,  -9999.0000,SURVEY      , ,PREC1-01
SXYZ,   24,   2710.4515,   4159.5449,     65.4380,SSM63287    , ,TRAVERSE
SXYZ,   25,   2617.3951,   4119.0770,  -9999.0000,SURVEY      , ,PREC1-01
SXYZ,   26,   2613.2760,   4100.5289,  -9999.0000,SURVEY      , ,PREC1-01
SXYZ,   27,   3170.8701,   3969.0148,  -9999.0000,SURVEY      , ,TRAVERSE
SXYZ,   28,   2047.7300,   3872.3700,  -9999.0000,            , ,Calc    
SXYZ,   29,   2761.9740,   4250.3710,     67.9500,PM56893     , ,TRAVERSE
SXYZ,   30,   1567.9058,   3898.8075,  -9999.0000,SURVEY      , ,01      
SXYZ,   31,   2831.2868,   4084.5675,  -9999.0000,SURVEY      , ,PREC1-01
SXYZ,   32,   2854.4399,   4123.6879,  -9999.0000,SURVEY      , ,PREC1-01
SXYZ,   33,   1421.5574,   3920.8564,  -9999.0000,SURVEY      , ,01      

The $$L lot entry switches used are:
Switch Value Meaning
11Lot ON
21Pen for Distances
32Use Short style for bearings(no tabs between DMS)
43Display arc and chord bearing and distance
51Pen number for lots
61Pen for area
70No point numbers
80No Pegs
90No PM's
101Pen for lines
11,121Line Type
The remainder are not used and are set to 0
These values are to tell Landmark how to display the data.